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Church Membership

Church members commit to joining a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. Members are called to a higher degree of responsibility, service, and sacrifice. The pastors and ministry leaders of FCCV pledge to assist members with care, counsel, prayer, and teaching.

How to Become a Member
Take the next step by partnering with all of FCCV by becoming a member!


1) Request church membership by transferring your membership from another church.


2) Speak with our Senior Minister about wanting to be baptized or joining the church.  You will be asked to repeat your confession of faith to trust Christ by faith for your salvation.  Baptism is by immersion.


3) Request church membership by voicing your confession of faith.


4) FCCV recognizes Dual Memberships for those individuals that would like to become a member of FCCV but still retain their membership with a previous church.


5) An individual may request to be listed as an associate member.  Associate members do not wish to transfer their membership from a previous church, but actively participate in the worship and life of FCCV.



If you would like to speak to the Senior Minister, John Chick, about becoming a member of FCCV, transferring your membership from another church or baptism.  Please click the link below to email John Chick or call the church at 229-244-1742 and ask for John Chick.

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First Christian Church

of Valdosta

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1905 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, GA  31602


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 4750

Valdosta GA  31604


Phone: (229) 244-1742 




Bible Study 10:00 am 
Worship 11:00 am

Dinner: 5:30 pm
Youth Activities: 6:00 pm

Wednesday Classes & Activities: 6:15 pm
Worship Service: 7:00 pm
Adult Bible Study: 7:30 pm

©2021 First Christian Church Valdosta.

All rights reserved.

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